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A Christmas Miracle: Finding Family in Phoenix Paramedic Solutions

2 dock and derekThe holiday season is upon us, and as the festive decorations and melodies fill the air, I find myself reflecting on how different this Christmas feels compared to those of years past. For nearly a decade, I spent the holidays in less than desirable environments, the joy of the season often overshadowed by the absence of family and the weight of loneliness.

This year, however, working for Phoenix Paramedic Solutions, Christmas feels different. It's no longer characterized by a sense of longing for family.  It now feels like a real warmth that comes from inside, and a sense of being where I belong, where I am cared for and appreciated. Here at Phoenix, we don't just serve our community; we treat each other as family, extending the same level of compassion and dedication that we offer to our clients.


Beyond Patients, a Community Focus:

While we at Phoenix prioritize the well-being of our own employees, through our EMS, Peer Recovery, and Occupational Health services, we also extend that care to the broader community. Our EMTs are compassionate individuals who strive to improve the lives of their patients. Our Peer Recovery services offer support and resources to individuals struggling with addiction and mental health challenges, helping them reclaim their lives and find hope. Similarly, our Occupational Health services provide medical care and prevention programs to businesses and organizations, ensuring their employees stay healthy and safe.


Sharing the Spirit of Giving:Copy of toy drive wrapping

The holidays are a time for generosity, and Phoenix embodies this spirit to the fullest. We actively participate in feeding the community, ensuring families facing food insecurity have access to a warm meal. This year, we're also hosting a toy drive, bringing joy to children in need and reminding them that the magic of Christmas extends far beyond gifts.


Changing the Face of Community Healthcare:

But our impact goes beyond the holidays. Phoenix Paramedic Solutions is at the forefront of changing the face of community healthcare. We are innovative, passionate, and driven by a collective desire to make a difference. Working alongside such dedicated individuals who share a similar mission is truly inspiring.

A Christmas Family Found:

This Christmas, for the first time in many years, I am surrounded by a supportive group of colleagues whom I consider an extended family. We share meals, exchange gifts, and celebrate together, knowing that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. This sense of belonging and camaraderie makes this holiday season truly special.

Working for Phoenix Paramedic Solutions has shown me that the greatest gift isn't always found under a tree. It's the warmth of human connection, the feeling of belonging, and the knowledge that you are part of something meaningful. This Christmas, I'm grateful to have found a home where I am valued, supported, and inspired to make a difference, not just during the holidays, but every single day.

Derek Sutherland, ACCHW

Designated Care Engineer